Today in The League class, we were honored to have Maxine Clark in attendance. Her speech was not only eye-opening but also had the ability to change and make us think differently about learning, business, and personal development.
Curiosity and the Benefits Attributable
One major take away I gathered from the speaker is that of curiosity. “Never assume yourself to be the smartest person in the room,” Maxine advised. Openness towards ideas as well as learning is one practice leading to continuous learning and development of an individual, one crucial aspect in both personal as well as professional life.
Understanding Customer Patterns
Maxine noted that customers develop patterns of behavior. While these patters might not be a direct cause and outcome, they pose relations that could prove useful in strategies for business. Utilizing a spreadsheet system to track and analyze such patters might prove to provide important information.
The Power of Asking Questions
One of the key takeaways from Maxine was always asking the questions. Sometimes we become shy and hold our question for fear that they may turn out silly and naïve. Little do we know that not asking it might result in lack of crucial information. Inquisitiveness is a virtue, not a vice.
Deep Knowledge: Going Under
“Know how things work, not just what they are,” Maxine pointed out. This kind of knowing is essential more so in startups where success knows no hrtsbar and deep understanding can be the difference between glory and shambles.
Investors as Success Partners
Investors are not merely the ones who finance your business; they are your support. They do not just invest in terms of investment but also in terms of their faith and expectation of your success. The critical point here is to strengthen a relationship with them.
Application to My Venture
Considering these lessons, what I learn at the first instance of modifying my start-up approach is never to forget asking questions. This feature was proven at today’s lab meeting with my professor. At first, I have been hesitant but then realized that going forward and asking questions which seem even remotely easy is significant.
Questioning Issue
In the business field, just as in academia as discussed above, pride is a limiting factor. The essence of being open to asking questions regardless of how basic they may sound cannot be overrated. It is all about being motivated to source for the right answers and insights.
Maxine Clark’s talk was a reminder of the basic principles that drive success in business and personal growth. Be Curious, Ask Questions, Understand Deep, Value Relationships are things I would take home.